Friday, October 8, 2010

3rd Sonagram

Here are a couple of pictures from our latest sonogram from 9/16.  We found out that we are having a little girl and her name is going to be Madison Alexis.  We can't wait to meet our little one.  It was amazing to see her in the 4D sonogram.  Instead of seeing a little blob, we could actually see her little face and make out some of her facial features.

We are now starting to pick out nursery decor, or I should say April is starting to pick out nursery decor.  Of course there is going to be a bunch of pink.  Now we just have to get the upstairs organized so we can start putting it all together.

We are very thankful that our old neighbors and good friends have given us some of their baby stuff from their daughter who is now 6.  We now have a stroller, car seats, and pack and go playpen. These items have made us realize the amount of space such a little person is going to take up.  We are glad that we have a ton of closet space.

April's good friend Jennifer took April baby shopping to get us registered for all of the baby necessities.  Thank goodness for Jen because I don't even know where to start with all the baby stuff.  April isn't as lost as I, but Jen's experience and knowledge of what we need was extremely helpful. 

We have had a lot of non-baby stuff going on too.  I have torn out all of the carpet and the marble in the entryway and replaced it with wood laminate flooring.  The carpet was VERY easy to get up.  The marble required a small jack hammer, called a demolition hammer, to remove it.  Since marble is so soft, it broke into small pieces and created a ton of dust.  This was a pain, literally.  My back was killing me after I finished getting the marble up.   The laminate went down fairly easily.  The house looks a million times better now!  Plus I have something to show-off whenever someone comes over which is an added bonus.

Today we started on our barn for the horses.  We have a company that is going to come in and set the posts and build the roof.  I, along with some help, will then hang the siding and build the stalls.  April is really excited to have a barn where she can put our horses when it rains and gets cold. 

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Second Appointment

 We had our second appointment this past Friday and everything looks great.  The kiddo's heart rate was a bit slower at 153 bpm versus around 175 a month ago.    We were really surprised when we saw the ultrasound this month.  Although we won't know the sex for another 5 weeks, it looks like it is practicing for it's hobby based on the video.  Video of ultrasound  I can't say that I'm disappointed at all.  :-)   The picture below is from an appointment we had on 7/15 to take some baby measurements.  It has some long legs!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

What we found out on June 10th

April called me on June 10th, my Dad's birthday, while I was on a call. I thought this was her normal lunchtime call to me so I told her that I couldn't talk at which time she told me it was important and blurted out the news that she had taken 3 pregnancy tests and they all came out positive. At that point I stopped paying very much attention to my call, fortunately it was wrapping up anyway.

We set our first appointment for July 9th and the pregnancy tests were confirmed. Hearing the heartbeat for the first time was amazing. I think I almost fell out of my chair. The due date is January 31st which is very close to my birthday, it's cousin Marin's birthday, and it's 2nd cousin Lauren's birthday. Now that it is confirmed, the planning begins. We have to pick out the room we want to use for the kiddo, I have to finish redoing one of the upstairs bathrooms, along with all of the other things that I'm sure we aren't even aware of yet. It is going to be a great 7 months!